Command createBatch:
Example: digidoc-tool createBatch folder/content/to/sign
Available options:
for additional options look sign command
Command open:
Example: digidoc-tool open container-file.asice
Available options:
--warnings=(ignore,warning,error) - warning handling
--policy=(POLv1,POLv2) - Signature Validation Policy (default POLv2)
--extractAll[=path] - extracts documents (to path when provided)
Command add:
Example: digidoc-tool add --file=file1.txt container-file.asice
Available options:
--file= - The option can occur multiple times. File(s) to be added to the container
--mime= - can be after --file parameter. Default value is application/octet-stream
Command remove:
Example: digidoc-tool remove --document=0 --document=1 --signature=1 container-file.asice
Available options:
--document= - documents to remove
--signature= - signatures to remove
Command websign:
Example: digidoc-tool sign --cert=signer.crt demo-container.asice
Available options:
--cert= - signer token certificate
for additional options look sign command
Command sign:
Example: digidoc-tool sign demo-container.asice
Available options:
--profile= - signature profile, TM, time-mark, TS, time-stamp
--XAdESEN - use XAdES EN profile
--city= - city of production place
--street= - streetAddress of production place in XAdES profile
--state= - state of production place
--postalCode= - postalCode of production place
--country= - country of production place
--role= - option can occur multiple times. Signer role(s)
--pkcs11[=] - default is /Library/OpenSC/lib/ Path of PKCS11 driver.
--pkcs12= - pkcs12 signer certificate (use --pin for password)
--pin= - default asks pin from prompt
--sha(224,256,384,512) - set default digest method (default sha256)
--sigsha(224,256,384,512) - set default digest method (default sha256)
--dontValidate= - Don't validate container
All commands:
--nocolor - Disable terminal colors
--loglevel=[0,1,2,3,4] - Log level 0 - none, 1 - error, 2 - warning, 3 - info, 4 - debug
--logfile= - File to log, empty to console