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fpaste - A cli frontend for the fpaste.org pastebin  


fpaste [OPTION]... [FILE]...  


It is often useful to be able to easily paste text to the Fedora Pastebin at http://fpaste.org and this simple utility will do that and return the resulting URL so that people may examine the output. This can hopefully help folks who are for some reason stuck without a graphical interface, working remotely, or any other reason they may be unable to paste something into the pastebin using a web browser.  


show program's version number and exit
-h, --help
show help message and exit
-t "TITLE", --title="TITLE"
title for paste; default is UNTITLED
-t "AUTHOR", --title="AUTHOR"
author name; empty by default
language of content for syntax highlighting; default is "text"; use "list" to show all 200+ supported langs
life of paste in minutes; default is 1 day (maximum)
-r, --private
make paste private; default is yes; valid options: 1 (yes), 0 (no)
-i, --clipin
read paste text from current X clipboard selection [requires xsel]
-o, --clipout
save returned paste URL to all the clipboards i.e primary, secondary and clipboard
specify which X clipboard to use. valid options: "primary" (default; middle-mouse-button paste), "secondary" (uncommon), or "clipboard" (ctrl-v paste)
-w, --wayland-clipin
read paste text from Wayland selection [requires: wl-clip]
use pathname VS basename for file description(s)
paste this script itself
paste general system information
paste btrfs related system information
print paste, but do not send
print paste, and prompt for confirmation before sending


Paste file foo.txt at fpaste.org
fpaste foo.txt
Paste output of ifconfig to fpaste.org with description "my network config"
ifconfig | fpaste
Paste mycode.py to fpaste.org with description as "problem with foo" and language "python"
fpaste -l python mycode.py
Paste mouse-selected text from the primary X selection clipboard, and then overwrite the same clipboard with the returned fpaste URL
fpaste -io
To manually paste clipboard contents, run fpaste without file arguments so that it waits for input, then paste using mouse middle-click, <Ctrl-V>, or other, then press <Enter> followed by <Ctrl-D> to finish (EOF).
To paste the output of more than one program and/or file at a time, use the following example forms:
(lsusb ; lspci) | fpaste
fpaste <(lsusb) <(lspci)

fpaste <(fdisk -l) /etc/grub.conf
(fdisk -l ; cat /etc/grub.conf) | fpaste

(uname -a ; yum repolist) | fpaste

Gather and paste various information about the running system. The info collected should be practically anonymous, and you may use the --printonly or --confirm options to preview what would be sent. fpaste.org URLs are also practically anonymous ([a-zA-Z0-9]**4 == 14,776,336 combinations), so you may also preview it instead before giving the link out.
fpaste --sysinfo
fpaste --sysinfo --confirm
fpaste --sysinfo --printonly | less


Report bugs to: https://pagure.io/fpaste/new_issue
or to: Jason 'zcat' Farrell <farrellj AT gmail DOT com> and Ankur Sinha 'FranciscoD' <ankursinha AT fedoraproject DOT org>.  


Fedora Unity

