idlj [ options ] idlfile
Some earlier releases of the IDL-to-Java compiler were named idltojava.
idlj My.idl
The previous syntax is equivalent to the following:
idlj -fclient My.idl
The next example generates the server-side bindings, and includes the client-side bindings plus the skeleton, all of which are POA (Inheritance Model).
idlg -fserver My.idl
If you want to generate both client and server-side bindings, then use one of the following (equivalent) commands:
idlj -fclient -fserver My.idl
idlj -fall My.idl
There are two possible server-side models: the Portal Servant Inheritance Model and the Tie Model. See Tie Delegation Model.
Portable Servant Inheritance Model. The default server-side model is the Portable Servant Inheritance Model. Given an interface My defined in My.idl, the file is generated. You must provide the implementation for the My interface, and the My interface must inherit from the MyPOA class. is a stream-based skeleton that extends the org.omg.PortableServer.Servant class at The My interface implements the callHandler interface and the operations interface associated with the IDL interface the skeleton implements.The PortableServer module for the Portable Object Adapter (POA) defines the native Servant type. See Portable Object Adapter (POA) at In the Java programming language, the Servant type is mapped to the Java org.omg.PortableServer.Servant class. It serves as the base class for all POA servant implementations and provides a number of methods that can be called by the application programmer, and methods that are called by the POA and that can be overridden by the user to control aspects of servant behavior.Another option for the Inheritance Model is to use the -oldImplBase flag to generate server-side bindings that are compatible with releases of the Java programming language before Java SE 1.4. The -oldImplBase flag is nonstandard, and these APIs are deprecated. You would use this flag only for compatibility with existing servers written in Java SE 1.3. In that case, you would need to modify an existing make file to add the -oldImplBase flag to the idlj compiler. Otherwise POA-based server-side mappings are generated. To generate server-side bindings that are backward compatible, do the following:
idlj -fclient -fserver -oldImplBase My.idl
idlj -fall -oldImplBase My.idl
Given an interface My defined in My.idl, the file is generated. You must provide the implementation for the My interface, and the My interface must inherit from the _MyImplBase class.
Tie Delegation Model. The other server-side model is called the Tie Model. This is a delegation model. Because it is not possible to generate ties and skeletons at the same time, they must be generated separately. The following commands generate the bindings for the Tie Model:
idlj -fall My.idl
idlj -fallTIE My.idl
For the My interface, the second command generates The constructor to the MyPOATie class takes a delegate. In this example, using the default POA model, the constructor also needs a POA. You must provide the implementation for the delegate, but it does not have to inherit from any other class, only the interface MyOperations. To use it with the ORB, you must wrap your implementation within the MyPOATie class, for example:
ORB orb = ORB.init(args, System.getProperties());
// Get reference to rootpoa & activate the POAManager
POA rootpoa = (POA)orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
// create servant and register it with the ORB
MyServant myDelegate = new MyServant();
// create a tie, with servant being the delegate.
MyPOATie tie = new MyPOATie(myDelegate, rootpoa);
// obtain the objectRef for the tie
My ref = tie._this(orb);
You might want to use the Tie model instead of the typical Inheritance model when your implementation must inherit from some other implementation. Java allows any number of interface inheritance, but there is only one slot for class inheritance. If you use the inheritance model, then that slot is used up. With the Tie Model, that slot is freed up for your own use. The drawback is that it introduces a level of indirection: one extra method call occurs when a method is called.
For server-side generation, Tie model bindings that are compatible with versions of the IDL to Java language mapping in versions earlier than Java SE 1.4.
idlj -oldImplBase -fall My.idl
idlj -oldImplBase -fallTIE My.idl
For the My interface, the this generates The constructor to the My_Tie class takes an impl object. You must provide the implementation for impl, but it does not have to inherit from any other class, only the interface HelloOperations. But to use it with the ORB, you must wrap your implementation within My_Tie, for example:
ORB orb = ORB.init(args, System.getProperties());
// create servant and register it with the ORB
MyServant myDelegate = new MyServant();
// create a tie, with servant being the delegate.
MyPOATie tie = new MyPOATie(myDelegate);
// obtain the objectRef for the tie
My ref = tie._this(orb);
For the My interface, the bindings are emitted to /altdir/, etc., instead of ./
idlj -i /includes My.idl
If My.idl also included Another.idl that resided in /moreIncludes, for example, then you call the compiler with the following command:
idlj -i /includes -i /moreIncludes My.idl
Because this form of include can become long, another way to indicate to the compiler where to search for included files is provided. This technique is similar to the idea of an environment variable. Create a file named idl.config in a directory that is listed in your CLASSPATH variable. Inside of idl.config, provide a line with the following form:
The compiler will find this file and read in the includes list. Note that in this example the separator character between the two directories is a semicolon (;). This separator character is platform dependent. On the Windows platform, use a semicolon, on the Unix platform, use a colon, and so on.
My.idl file:
#include <MyOther.idl>
interface My
MyOther.idl file:
interface MyOther
There is a caveat to the default rule. Any #include statements that appear at the global scope are treated as described. These #include statements can be thought of as import statements. The #include statements that appear within an enclosed scope are treated as true #include statements, which means that the code within the included file is treated as though it appeared in the original file and, therefore, Java bindings are emitted for it. Here is an example:
My.idl file:
#include <MyOther.idl>
interface My
#include <Embedded.idl>
MyOther.idl file:
interface MyOther
enum E {one, two, three};
Runidlj My.idlto generate the following list of Java files. Notice that is not generated because it is defined in an import-like #include. But was generated because it was defined in a true #include. Notice that because the Embedded.idl file is included within the scope of the interface My, it appears within the scope of My (in MyPackage). If the -emitAll flag had been used, then all types in all included files would have been emitted.
Widgets.idl file:
module Widgets
interface W1 {...};
interface W2 {...};
If you run this file through the IDL-to-Java compiler, then the Java bindings for W1 and W2 are placed within the Widgets package. There is an industry convention that states that a company's packages should reside within a package named com.<company name>. To follow this convention, the package name should be To place this package prefix onto the Widgets module, execute the following:
idlj -pkgPrefix Widgets Widgets.idl
If you have an IDL file that includes Widgets.idl, then the -pkgPrefix flag must appear in that command also. If it does not, then your IDL file will be looking for a Widgets package rather than a package.
If you have a number of these packages that require prefixes, then it might be easier to place them into the idl.config file described previously. Each package prefix line should be of the form: PkgPrefix.<type>=<prefix>. The line for the previous example would be This option does not affect the Repository ID.
By default the compiler does not operate in verbose mode
Version information also appears within the bindings generated by the compiler. Any additional options appearing on the command-line are ignored.
#define symbol
If more than one translation matches an identifier, then the longest match is chosen as shown in the following example:
pkgTranslate type pkg -pkgTranslate type2.baz pkg2.fizz
Resulting Translation:
type => pkg
type.ext => pkg.ext
type.baz => pkg2.fizz
type2.baz.pkg => pkg2.fizz.pkg
The following package names org, org.omg, or any subpackages of org.omg cannot be translated. Any attempt to translate these packages results in uncompilable code, and the use of these packages as the first argument after -pkgTranslate is treated as an error.
The fixed IDL type is not supported.