Joerg Schilling Seestr. 110 D-13353 Berlin Germany
Joerg Schilling Seestr. 110 D-13353 Berlin Germany
This manpage describes the program implementation of isodebug as shipped by the cdrkit distribution. See for details. It is a spinoff from the original program distributed in the cdrtools package [1]. However, the cdrtools developers are not involved in the development of this spinoff and therefore shall not be made responsible for any problem caused by it. Do not try to get support for this program by contacting the original author(s).
If you have support questions, send them to
If you have definitely found a bug, send a mail to this list or to
writing at least a short description into the Subject and "Package: cdrkit" into the first line of the mail body.
[1] Cdrtools 2.01.01a08 from May 2006,