report-gtk [-vpdx] [-e EVENT] [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR
report-gtk is a graphical tool that reports application crashes and other problems caught by abrtd daemon, or created by other programs using libreport. report-gtk works with a single problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR. In the expert mode it enables access to and manipulation of problem data.
-d, --delete
-v, --verbose
-V, --version
-x, --expert
During the reporting process report-gtk might show a dialogue asking for a decision to be made. Some of those dialogues provides an option to remember the answer. If it is requested to remember the answer, report-gtk saves the answer in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/abrt/settings/report-gtk.conf
If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set, $HOME/.config is used instead.
See forbidden_words.conf(5) and ignored_words.conf(5)
These configuration files are placed in /usr/share/libreport/workflows.
Each file has XML formatting with the following DTD:
<!ELEMENT workflow (name+,description+,priority?,events*)> <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST name xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST description xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT priority = (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT events = (event)+> <!ELEMENT event = (#PCDATA)>
<workflow> <name xml:lang="en">Example</name> <name xml:lang="cs">Příklad</name> <description xml:lang="en">Example description</description> <description xml:lang="cs">Příklad popisu</description> <priority>10</priority> <evetns> <event>analyze_example</event> <event>collect_example</event> <event>report_example</event> </events> </workflow>
forbidden_words.conf(5), ignored_words.conf(5)