Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 2009 February 23
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wkhtmltoimage - html to image converter



  wkhtmltoimage [OPTIONS]... <input file> <output file>



Converts an HTML page into an image,


General Options

--allow <path>
Allow the file or files from the specified folder to be loaded (repeatable)
--bypass-proxy-for <value>
Bypass proxy for host (repeatable)
--cache-dir <path>
Web cache directory
--checkbox-checked-svg <path>
Use this SVG file when rendering checked checkboxes
--checkbox-svg <path>
Use this SVG file when rendering unchecked checkboxes
--cookie <name> <value>
Set an additional cookie (repeatable), value should be url encoded.
--cookie-jar <path>
Read and write cookies from and to the supplied cookie jar file
--crop-h <int>
Set height for cropping
--crop-w <int>
Set width for cropping
--crop-x <int>
Set x coordinate for cropping
--crop-y <int>
Set y coordinate for cropping
--custom-header <name> <value>
Set an additional HTTP header (repeatable)
Add HTTP headers specified by --custom-header for each resource request.
Do not add HTTP headers specified by --custom-header for each resource request.
Show javascript debugging output
Do not show javascript debugging output
--encoding <encoding>
Set the default text encoding, for input
-H, --extended-help
Display more extensive help, detailing less common command switches
-f, --format <format>
Output file format
--height <int>
Set screen height (default is calculated from page content)
-h, --help
Display help
Output program html help
Do load or print images
Do not load or print images
-n, --disable-javascript
Do not allow web pages to run javascript
Do allow web pages to run javascript
--javascript-delay <msec>
Wait some milliseconds for javascript finish
Output license information and exit
--load-error-handling <handler>
Specify how to handle pages that fail to load: abort, ignore or skip
--load-media-error-handling <handler>
Specify how to handle media files that fail to load: abort, ignore or skip
Do not allowed conversion of a local file to read in other local files, unless explicitly allowed with --allow
Allowed conversion of a local file to read in other local files.
--log-level <level>
Set log level to: none, error, warn or info
Output program man page
--minimum-font-size <int>
Minimum font size
--password <password>
HTTP Authentication password
Disable installed plugins
Enable installed plugins (plugins will likely not work)
--post <name> <value>
Add an additional post field (repeatable)
--post-file <name> <path>
Post an additional file (repeatable)
-p, --proxy <proxy>
Use a proxy
Use the proxy for resolving hostnames
--quality <int>
Output image quality (between 0 and 100)
-q, --quiet
Be less verbose, maintained for backwards compatibility; Same as using --log-level none
--radiobutton-checked-svg <path>
Use this SVG file when rendering checked radiobuttons
--radiobutton-svg <path>
Use this SVG file when rendering unchecked radiobuttons
Output program readme
--run-script <js>
Run this additional javascript after the page is done loading (repeatable)
--ssl-crt-path <path>
Path to the ssl client cert public key in OpenSSL PEM format, optionally followed by intermediate ca and trusted certs
--ssl-key-password <password>
Password to ssl client cert private key
--ssl-key-path <path>
Path to ssl client cert private key in OpenSSL PEM format
Stop slow running javascripts
Do not Stop slow running javascripts
--user-style-sheet <path>
Specify a user style sheet, to load with every page
--username <username>
HTTP Authentication username
-V, --version
Output version information and exit
--width <int>
Set screen width, note that this is used only as a guide line. Use --disable-smart-width to make it strict.
--window-status <windowStatus>
Wait until window.status is equal to this string before rendering page
--zoom <float>
Use this zoom factor



If you experience bugs or want to request new features please visit <https://wkhtmltopdf.org/support.html>



  Jakob Truelsen              <antialize@gmail.com>
  Ashish Kulkarni             <ashish@kulkarni.dev>
  Jan Habermann               <jan@habermann24.com>
  Pablo Ruiz García           <pablo.ruiz@gmail.com>
  Trevor North                <trevor@blubolt.com>
  Nate Pinchot                <nate.pinchot@gmail.com>
  pussbb                      <pussbb@gmail.com>
  Aaron Stone                 <aaron@serendipity.cx>
  Patrick Widauer             @a-ctor
  Peter van der Tak           <pta@ibuildgreen.eu>
  Benjamin Sinkula            <bsinky@gmail.com>
  Kasper F. Brandt            <poizan@poizan.dk>
  Michael Nitze               <michael.nitze@online.de>
  Rok Dvojmoc                 <rok.dvojmoc@gmail.com>
  theirix                     <theirix@gmail.com>
  Tomsgu                      <tomasjakll@gmail.com>
  Artem Butusov               <art.sormy@gmail.com>
  Christian Sciberras         <uuf6429@gmail.com>
  Daniel M. Lambea            <dmlambea@gmail.com>
  Douglas Bagnall             <douglas@paradise.net.nz>
  peterrehm                   <peter.rehm@renvest.de>
  Renan Gonçalves             <renan.saddam@gmail.com>
  Ruslan Grabovoy             <kudgo.test@gmail.com>
  Sander Kleykens             <sander.kleykens@avnu.be>
  Adam Thorsen                <adam.thorsen@gmail.com>
  Albin Kerouanton            <albin.kerouanton@knplabs.com>
  Alejandro Dubrovsky         <alito@organicrobot.com>
  Arthur Cinader              @acinader
  Benoit Garret               <benoit.garret@gmail.com>
  Bill Kuker                  <bkuker@billkuker.com>
  cptjazz                     <alexander@jesner.eu>
  daigot                      <daigot@rayze.com>
  Destan Sarpkaya             @destan
  Duncan Smart                <duncan.smart@gmail.com>
  Emil Lerch                  <emil@lerch.org>
  Erik Hyrkas                 <erik.hyrkas@thomsonreuters.com>
  Erling Linde                <erlingwl@gmail.com>
  Fábio C. Barrionuevo da Luz <bnafta@gmail.com>
  Fr33m1nd                    <lukion@gmx.de>
  Frank Groeneveld            <frank@frankgroeneveld.nl>
  Immanuel Häussermann        <haeussermann@gmail.com>
  Jake Petroules              <jake.petroules@petroules.com>
  James Macdonald             <james@kingfisher-systems.co.uk>
  Jason Smith                 <JasonParallel@gmail.com>
  John Muccigrosso            @Jmuccigr
  Julien Le Goff              <julego@gmail.com>
  Kay Lukas                   <kay.lukas@gmail.com>
  Kurt Revis                  <krevis@snoize.com>
  laura                       @holamon
  Marc Laporte                <marc@laporte.name>
  Matthew M. Boedicker        <matthewm@boedicker.org>
  Matthieu Bontemps           <matthieu.bontemps@gmail.com>
  Max Sikstrom                <max.sikstrom@op5.com>
  Nolan Neustaeter            <github@noolan.ca>
  Oleg Kostyuk                <cub.uanic@gmail.com>
  Pankaj Jangid               <pankaj.jangid@gmail.com>
  robinbetts                  <robinbetts@yahoo.com>
  Sem                         <spam@esemi.ru>
  Stefan Weil                 <sw@weilnetz.de>
  Stephen Kennedy             <sk4425@gmail.com>
  Steve Shreeve               <steve.shreeve@gmail.com>
  Sven Nierlein               <sven@nierlein.org>
  Tobin Juday                 <tobinibot@gmail.com>
  Todd Fisher                 <todd.fisher@gmail.com>
  Костадин Дамянов            <maxmight@gmail.com>
  Emmanuel Bouthenot          <kolter@openics.org>
  Rami                        @icnocop
  Khodeir-hubdoc              @Khodeir-hubdoc
  Jonathan Jefferies          @jjok
  Joe Ayers                   <joseph.ayers@crunchydata.com>
  Jeffrey Cafferata           <jeffrey@jcid.nl>
  Mehdi Abbad
  Lyes Amazouz
  Pascal Bach
  Mário Silva



General Options