Section: libdpkg-perl (3perl)
Updated: 2021-02-15
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Dpkg::Deps::OR - list of OR dependencies
This class represents a list of dependencies of which only one must be met
for the dependency to be true. It inherits from Dpkg::Deps::Multiple.
- $dep->output([$fh])
The output method uses `` | '' to join the list of sub-dependencies.
- $dep->implies($other_dep)
Returns 1 when $dep implies $other_dep. Returns 0 when $dep implies
NOT($other_dep). Returns undef when there's no implication. $dep and
$other_dep do not need to be of the same type.
- $dep->get_evaluation($facts)
Evaluates the dependency given a list of installed packages and a list of
virtual packages provided. These lists are part of the Dpkg::Deps::KnownFacts
object given as parameters.
Returns 1 when it's true, 0 when it's false, undef when some information
is lacking to conclude.
- $dep->simplify_deps($facts, @assumed_deps)
Simplifies the dependency as much as possible given the list of facts (see
object Dpkg::Deps::KnownFacts) and a list of other dependencies that are
known to be true.
Version 1.00 (dpkg 1.15.6)
Mark the module as public.