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A lua library/`class' that implements a FIFO. Objects in the fifo can be of any type, including nil.  


The library returns the constructor

new_fifo = require "fifo"


myfifo:fifo = new_fifo(...)

Create a new fifo by calling the constructor; it optionally takes the initial state.

myfifo = new_fifo("foo", "bar")


myfifo = myfifo:setempty(f:function)

The behaviour when trying to :pop() or :remove() too many items from an empty list is configurable. Returns the fifo itself

By default an error will be thrown. You can set a custom behaviour by providing a function to :setempty(). The return values of your function will be returned by :pop() or :remove()

myfifo:setempty(function(myfifo) return nil end)

This method returns self, which makes it easy to use at construction time: e.g. to create a new fifo where :pop() returns nil when empty:

myfifo = new_fifo():setempty(function() return nil end)



Use the :push() method to append an object to the fifo

myfifo:push({"an object"})


object:*, exists:bool = fifo:peek(n:number|none)

Allows you to inspect a fifo without removing items from it. Returns the item at the given index (or nil) and whether it existed (as nil is a valid value). By default uses the next item from the fifo.

exists, myobject = myfifo:peek()


object:* = fifo:pop()

Returns the next item from the fifo, removing it.

myobject = myfifo:pop()


fifo:insert(index:number, object:*)

This can be used to insert an item into the middle of a fifo. The index is from the output of the fifo where 1 would be the next item popped from the fifo, and myfifo:length() + 1 would be equivalent to :push() The efficiency of this operation is proportional to the distance from either end of the fifo.

myobject = myfifo:insert(1, {"some object"})


object:* = fifo:remove(index:number)

This can be used to remove an item from the middle of a fifo. The index is from the output of the fifo where 1 would be the next item popped from the fifo, and myfifo:length() would be the input (i.e equivalent to :push()) The efficiency of this operation is proportional to the distance from either end of the fifo.

The object removed is returned.

myobject = myfifo:remove(2)


length:number = fifo:length() and length:number = #fifo operator

Returns the current number of items in the fifo. Available as :length() as the __len metamethod doesn't work for tables in lua versions 5.1 and earlier.  


daurnimator <>.



myfifo:fifo = new_fifo(...)
myfifo = myfifo:setempty(f:function)
object:*, exists:bool = fifo:peek(n:number|none)
object:* = fifo:pop()
fifo:insert(index:number, object:*)
object:* = fifo:remove(index:number)
length:number = fifo:length() and length:number = #fifo operator