1) ansi_set_color(fg:long)
2) ansi_set_color(fg:long,bg:long)
3) ansi_set_color(fg:long,bg:long,attr:long)
1) Sends ansi code for Select Graphic Rendition mode for the given forground color. Black (30), Blue (34), Green (32), Cyan (36), Red (31), Purple (35), Brown (33), Light Gray (37).
2) Sends ansi code for Select Graphic Rendition mode for the given forground color, Black (30), Blue (34), Green (32), Cyan (36), Red (31), Purple (35), Brown (33), Light Gray (37) and the given background color, Black (40), Red (41), Green (42), Yellow (43), Blue (44), Magenta (45), Cyan (46), White (47).
3) Sends ansi code for Select Graphic Rendition mode for the given forground color, Black (30), Blue (34), Green (32), Cyan (36), Red (31), Purple (35), Brown (33), Light Gray (37), the given background color, Black (40), Red (41), Green (42), Yellow (43), Blue (44), Magenta (45), Cyan (46), White (47) and the color attribute All attributes off (0), Intensity Bold (1), Underline Single (4), Blink Slow (5), Blink Rapid (6), Image Negative (7).