int zmq_recvmsg (void *socket, zmq_msg_t *msg, int flags);
The zmq_recvmsg() function shall receive a message part from the socket referenced by the socket argument and store it in the message referenced by the msg argument. Any content previously stored in msg shall be properly deallocated. If there are no message parts available on the specified socket the zmq_recvmsg() function shall block until the request can be satisfied. The flags argument is a combination of the flags defined below:
this API method is deprecated in favor of zmq_msg_recv(3).
A 0MQ message is composed of 1 or more message parts. Each message part is an independent zmq_msg_t in its own right. 0MQ ensures atomic delivery of messages: peers shall receive either all message parts of a message or none at all. The total number of message parts is unlimited except by available memory.
An application that processes multi-part messages must use the ZMQ_RCVMORE zmq_getsockopt(3) option after calling zmq_recvmsg() to determine if there are further parts to receive.
The zmq_recvmsg() function shall return number of bytes in the message if successful. Otherwise it shall return -1 and set errno to one of the values defined below.
Receiving a message from a socket.
/* Create an empty 0MQ message */ zmq_msg_t msg; int rc = zmq_msg_init (&msg); assert (rc == 0); /* Block until a message is available to be received from socket */ rc = zmq_recvmsg (socket, &msg, 0); assert (rc != -1); /* Release message */ zmq_msg_close (&msg);
Receiving a multi-part message.
int more; size_t more_size = sizeof (more); do { /* Create an empty 0MQ message to hold the message part */ zmq_msg_t part; int rc = zmq_msg_init (&part); assert (rc == 0); /* Block until a message is available to be received from socket */ rc = zmq_recvmsg (socket, &part, 0); assert (rc != -1); /* Determine if more message parts are to follow */ rc = zmq_getsockopt (socket, ZMQ_RCVMORE, &more, &more_size); assert (rc == 0); zmq_msg_close (&part); } while (more);
zmq_recv(3) zmq_send(3) zmq_getsockopt(3) zmq_setsockopt(3) zmq_socket(7) zmq(7)
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