Initialize a Biber::Entry::Names object
Serialiser for JSON::XS::encode
Test for an empty object
Return ref to array of all Biber::Entry::Name objects in object
Add a Biber::Entry::Name object to the Biber::Entry::Names object
Replace a Biber::Entry::Name at a position (1-based) with a provided one
Sets a flag to say that we had a "and others" in the data
Gets the morenames flag
Returns the number of Biber::Entry::Name objects in the object
Returns boolean to say of there is an nth name
Returns the nth Biber::Entry::Name object in the object or the last one if n > total names
Returns an array ref of Biber::Entry::Name objects containing only the first n Biber::Entry::Name objects or all names if n > total names
Deletes the last Biber::Entry::Name object in the object
Returns the last Biber::Entry::Name object in the object
Get any xdata reference information for a namelist
Dump a Biber::Entry::Names object for debugging purposes
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.