use Font::TTF::Dumper; # Print a table from the font structure: print ttfdump($font->{$tag}); # Print font table with name print ttfdump($font->{'head'}, 'head'); # Print font table with name and other options print ttfdump($font->{'head'}, 'head', %opts); # Print one glyph's data: print ttfdump($font->{'loca'}->read->{'glyphs'}[$gid], "glyph_$gid");
The main purpose of this module is to invoke Data::Dumper with a filter that skips over the ' PARENT' element of any hash.
To reduce output further, this module also skips over ' CACHE' elements and any hash element whose value is a Font::TTF::Glyph or Font::TTF::Font object. (Really should make this configurable.)
If $opts{'d'}, then set Deepcopy mode to minimize use of crossreferencing.
This module is released under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.