use GD::Barcode::Code39; binmode(STDOUT); print "Content-Type: image/png\n\n"; print GD::Barcode::Code39->new('*CODE39IMG*')->plot->png;
with Error Check
my $oGdBar = GD::Barcode::Code39->new('*123456789;*'); die $GD::Barcode::Code39::errStr unless($oGdBar); #Invalid Characters
Constructor. Creates a GD::Barcode::Code39 object for $sTxt.
creates GD object with barcode image for the $sTxt specified at new method. $iHeight is height of the image. If NoText is 1, the image has no text image of $sTxt.
ex. my $oGdB = GD::Barcode::Code39->new('*12345*'); my $oGD = $oGdB->plot(NoText=>1, Height => 20); # $sGD is a GD image with Height=>20 pixels, with no text.
returns a barcode pattern in string with '1' and '0'. '1' means black, '0' means white.
ex. my $oGdB = GD::Barcode::Code39->new('*12345*'); my $sPtn = $oGdB->barcode(); # $sPtn = '';
has barcode text based on $sTxt specified in new method.
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