use Glib;
The GType id will never be seen in Perl, as the package name serves that purpose. Several packages corresponding to the GTypes of the fundamental types have been registered for you:
G_TYPE_STRING Glib::String G_TYPE_INT Glib::Int G_TYPE_UINT Glib::UInt G_TYPE_DOUBLE Glib::Double G_TYPE_BOOLEAN Glib::Boolean
The remaining fundamentals (char/uchar, short, float, etc) are also registered so that we can properly interact with properties of C objects, but perl really only uses ints, uints, and doubles. Oh, and we created a GBoxed type for Perl scalars so you can use scalars where any boxed type would be allowed (e.g. GtkTreeModel columns):
Functions that can return false and set a GError in C raise an exception in Perl, using an exception object based on the GError for $@; see Glib::Error. Trapping exceptions in signals is a sticky issue, so they get their own section; see EXCEPTIONS.
Enumerations and flags are treated as strings and arrays of strings, respectively. GLib provides a way to register nicknames for enumeration values, and the Perl bindings use these nicknames for the real values, so that we never have to deal with numbers in Perl. This can get a little cumbersome for bitfields, but it's very nice when you forget a flag value, as the bindings will tell you what values are accepted when you pass something invalid. Also, the bindings consider the - and _ characters to be equivalent, so that signal and property names can be properly stringified by the => operator. For example, the following are equivalent:
# property foo-matic of type FooType, using the # value FOO_SOMETHING_COOL. its nickname would be # 'something-cool'. you may use either the full # name or the nickname when supplying values to perl. $object->set ('foo-matic', 'FOO_SOMETHING_COOL'); $object->set ('foo_matic', 'something_cool'); $object->set (foo_matic => 'something-cool');
Beware that Perl will always return to you the nickname form, with the dash.
Flags have some additional magic abilities in the form of overloaded operators:
+ or | union of two flagsets ("add") - difference of two flagsets ("sub", "remove") * or & intersection of two bitsets ("and") / or ^ symmetric difference ("xor", you will rarely need this) >= contains-operator ("is the left set a superset of the right set?") == equality
In addition, flags in boolean context indicate whether they are empty or not, which allows you to write common operations naturally:
$widget->set_events ($widget->get_events - "motion_notify_mask"); $widget->set_events ($widget->get_events - ["motion_notify_mask", "button_press_mask"]); # shift pressed (both work, it's a matter of taste) if ($event->state >= "shift-mask") { ... if ($event->state * "shift-mask") { ... # either shift OR control pressed? if ($event->state * ["shift-mask", "control-mask"]) { ... # both shift AND control pressed? if ($event->state >= ["shift-mask", "control-mask"]) { ...
In general, "+" and "-" work as expected to add or remove flags. To test whether any bits are set in a mask, you use "$mask * ...", and to test whether all bits are set in a mask, you use "$mask >= ...".
When dereferenced as an array @$flags or "$flags->[...]", you can access the flag values directly as strings (but you are not allowed to modify the array), and when stringified "$flags" a flags value will output a human-readable version of its contents.
This involves some elaborate guessing, which perl currently avoids, but GLib and Gtk+ do. As an exception, some Gtk+ functions want a filename in local encoding, but the perl interface usually works around this by automatically converting it for you.
In short: Everything should be in unicode on the perl level.
The following functions expose the conversion algorithm that GLib uses.
These functions are only necessary when you want to use perl functions to manage filenames returned by a GLib/Gtk+ function, or when you feed filenames into GLib/Gtk+ functions that have their source outside your program (e.g. commandline arguments, readdir results etc.).
These functions are available as exports by request (see ``Exports''), and also support method invocation syntax for pathological consistency with the OO syntax of the rest of the bindings.
$gtkfilesel->set_filename (filename_to_unicode $ARGV[1]);
This function will croak() if the conversion cannot be made, e.g., because the utf-8 is invalid.
open MY, "<", filename_from_unicode $gtkfilesel->get_filename;
It might be useful to know that perl currently has no policy at all regarding filename issues, if your scalar happens to be in utf-8 internally it will use utf-8, if it happens to be stored as bytes, it will use it as-is.
When dealing with filenames that you need to display, there is a much easier way, as of Glib 1.120 and glib 2.6.0:
Since glib 2.6, Glib 1.12
The following convert filenames to and from URI encoding. (See also URI::file.)
$filename must be an absolute path as a byte string in local filesystem encoding. $hostname is a utf-8 string, or empty or "undef" for no host specified. For example,
filename_to_uri ('/my/x%y/<dir>/foo.html', undef); # returns 'file:///my/x%25y/%3Cdir%3E/foo.html'
If $filename is a relative path or $hostname doesn't look like a hostname then "filename_to_uri" croaks with a "Glib::Error".
When using the class style "Glib->filename_to_uri" remember that the $hostname argument is mandatory. If you forget then it looks like a 2-argument call with filename of ``Glib'' and hostname of what you meant to be the filename.
The filename returned is bytes in the local filesystem encoding and with the OS path separator character. The hostname returned is utf-8. For example,
($f,$h) = filename_from_uri ('file://'); # returns '/r&b/bar.html' and '' on Unix
If $uri is not a ``file:'', or is mal-formed, or the hostname part doesn't look like a host name then "filename_from_uri" croaks with a "Glib::Error".
Signal and event handlers are run in an eval context; if an exception occurs in such a handler and you don't catch it, Perl will report that an error occurred, and then go on about its business like nothing happened.
You may register subroutines as exception handlers, to be called when such an exception is trapped. Another function removes them for you.
$tag = Glib->install_exception_handler (\&my_handler); Glib->remove_exception_handler ($tag);
The exception handler will get a fresh copy of the $@ of the offending exception on the argument stack, and is expected to return non-zero if the handler is to remain installed. If it returns false, the handler will be removed.
sub my_handler { if ($_[0] =~ m/ftang quisinart/) { clean_up_after_ftang (); } 1; # live to fight another day }
You can register as many handlers as you like; they will all run independently.
An important thing to remember is that exceptions do not cross main loops. In fact, exceptions are completely distinct from main loops. If you need to quit a main loop when an exception occurs, install a handler that quits the main loop, but also ask yourself if you are using exceptions for flow control or exception handling.
Here is an overview of what big integer modules are available. First of all, there's Math::BigInt. It has everything you will ever need, but its pure-Perl implementation is also rather slow. There are multiple ways around this, though.
filename_from_unicode filename_to_unicode filename_from_uri filename_to_uri filename_display_basename filename_display_name
Glib::index lists the automatically-generated API reference for the various packages in Glib.
This module is the basis for the Gtk2 module, so most of the references you'll be able to find about this one are tied to that one. The perl interface aims to be very simply related to the C API, so see the C API reference documentation:
GLib - GObject -
This module serves as the foundation for any module which needs to bind GLib-based C libraries to perl.
Glib::devel - Binding developer's overview of Glib's internals Glib::xsapi - internal API reference for GPerl Glib::ParseXSDoc - extract API docs from xs sources. Glib::GenPod - turn the output of Glib::ParseXSDoc into POD Glib::MakeHelper - Makefile.PL utilities for Glib-based extensions Yet another document, available separately, ties it all together:
For gtk2-perl itself, see its website at
gtk2-perl -
A mailing list exists for discussion of using gtk2-perl and related modules. Archives and subscription information are available at
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Lesser General Public License (LGPL). For more information, see