$title: dialog title $contents: dialog text %options: optional HASH containing { scroll => Rich Text with scroll bar used yesno => dialog with "yes" and "no" buttons (deafult yes) dont_ask_again => add a checkbox with "dont ask again text" main_dialog => create a main dialog instead of a popup one min_size => {columns => X, lines => Y} for minimum dialog size, }
retval: if dont_ask_again HASH reference containig { value => 1 yes (or ok) pressed, 0 no pressed dont_ask_again => 1 if checked } or if dont_ask_again is not passed: 1 yes (or ok) pressed, 0 no pressed
This function shows a dialog with contents text and return the button pressed (1 ok or yes), optionally returns the checkbox value if dont_ask_again is passed. If min_size is passed a minimum dialog size is set (default is 75x6) see libyui createMinSize documenatation for explanation.
$func: function to be executed with a busy cursor or waiting dialog $msg: message to be shown in ncurses waiting dialog (if any)
This function executes a given function with a busy cursor set in graphical environment, or with a waiting dialog if in ncurses text mode