package Mojo::Reactor::MyEventLoop; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Reactor'; sub again {...} sub io {...} sub is_running {...} sub next_tick {...} sub one_tick {...} sub recurring {...} sub remove {...} sub reset {...} sub start {...} sub stop {...} sub timer {...} sub watch {...}
$reactor->on(error => sub { my ($reactor, $err) = @_; ... });
Emitted for exceptions caught in callbacks, fatal if unhandled. Note that if this event is unhandled or fails it might kill your program, so you need to be careful.
$reactor->on(error => sub { my ($reactor, $err) = @_; say "Something very bad happened: $err"; });
Restart timer. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass. Note that this method requires an active timer.
my $class = Mojo::Reactor->detect;
Detect and load the best reactor implementation available, will try the value of the "MOJO_REACTOR" environment variable, Mojo::Reactor::EV or Mojo::Reactor::Poll.
# Instantiate best reactor implementation available my $reactor = Mojo::Reactor->detect->new;
$reactor = $reactor->io($handle => sub {...});
Watch handle for I/O events, invoking the callback whenever handle becomes readable or writable. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.
# Callback will be executed twice if handle becomes readable and writable $reactor->io($handle => sub { my ($reactor, $writable) = @_; say $writable ? 'Handle is writable' : 'Handle is readable'; });
my $bool = $reactor->is_running;
Check if reactor is running. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.
my $undef = $reactor->next_tick(sub {...});
Execute callback as soon as possible, but not before returning or other callbacks that have been registered with this method, always returns "undef". Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.
Run reactor until an event occurs. Note that this method can recurse back into the reactor, so you need to be careful. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.
# Don't block longer than 0.5 seconds my $id = $reactor->timer(0.5 => sub {}); $reactor->one_tick; $reactor->remove($id);
my $id = $reactor->recurring(0.25 => sub {...});
Create a new recurring timer, invoking the callback repeatedly after a given amount of time in seconds. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.
my $bool = $reactor->remove($handle); my $bool = $reactor->remove($id);
Remove handle or timer. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.
Remove all handles and timers. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.
Start watching for I/O and timer events, this will block until ``stop'' is called. Note that some reactors stop automatically if there are no events being watched anymore. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.
# Start reactor only if it is not running already $reactor->start unless $reactor->is_running;
Stop watching for I/O and timer events. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.
my $id = $reactor->timer(0.5 => sub {...});
Create a new timer, invoking the callback after a given amount of time in seconds. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.
$reactor = $reactor->watch($handle, $readable, $writable);
Change I/O events to watch handle for with true and false values. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass. Note that this method requires an active I/O watcher.
# Watch only for readable events $reactor->watch($handle, 1, 0); # Watch only for writable events $reactor->watch($handle, 0, 1); # Watch for readable and writable events $reactor->watch($handle, 1, 1); # Pause watching for events $reactor->watch($handle, 0, 0);