While Test::Mojo can be used to test any web application, it has shortcuts designed to make testing Mojolicious web applications easy and pain-free.
Please refer to the Test::Mojo documentation for a complete reference to many of the ideas and syntax introduced in this document.
A test file for a simple web application might look like:
use Mojo::Base -strict; use Test::Mojo; use Test::More; # Start a Mojolicious app named "Celestial" my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Celestial'); # Post a JSON document $t->post_ok('/notifications' => json => {event => 'full moon'}) ->status_is(201) ->json_is('/message' => 'notification created'); # Perform GET requests and look at the responses $t->get_ok('/sunrise') ->status_is(200) ->content_like(qr/ am$/); $t->get_ok('/sunset') ->status_is(200) ->content_like(qr/ pm$/); # Post a URL-encoded form $t->post_ok('/insurance' => form => {name => 'Jimmy', amount => '€3.000.000'}) ->status_is(200); # Use Test::More's like() to check the response like $t->tx->res->dom->at('div#thanks')->text, qr/thank you/, 'thanks'; done_testing();
In the rest of this document we'll explore these concepts and others related to Test::Mojo.
Test::Mojo supplies additional test assertions organized around the web application request/response transaction (transport, response headers, response bodies, etc.), and WebSocket communications.
One interesting thing of note: the return value of Test::Mojo object assertions is always the test object itself, allowing us to ``chain'' test assertion methods. So rather than grouping related test statements like this:
$t->get_ok('/frogs'); $t->status_is(200); $t->content_like(qr/bullfrog/); $t->content_like(qr/hypnotoad/);
Method chaining allows us to connect test assertions that belong together:
$t->get_ok('/frogs') ->status_is(200) ->content_like(qr/bullfrog/) ->content_like(qr/hypnotoad/);
This makes for a much more concise and coherent testing experience: concise because we are not repeating the invocant for each test, and coherent because assertions that belong to the same request are syntactically bound in the same method chain.
Occasionally it makes sense to break up a test to perform more complex assertions on a response. Test::Mojo exposes the entire transaction object so you can get all the data you need from a response:
$t->put_ok('/bees' => json => {type => 'worker', name => 'Karl'}) ->status_is(202) ->json_has('/id'); # Pull out the id from the response my $newbee = $t->tx->res->json('/id'); # Make a new request with data from the previous response $t->get_ok("/bees/$newbee") ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/name' => 'Karl');
The Test::Mojo object is stateful. As long as we haven't started a new transaction by invoking one of the *_ok methods, the request and response objects from the previous transaction are available in the Test::Mojo object:
# First transaction $t->get_ok('/frogs?q=bullfrog' => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}) ->status_is(200) ->json_like('/0/species' => qr/catesbeianus/i); # Still first transaction $t->content_type_is('application/json'); # Second transaction $t->get_ok('/frogs?q=banjo' => {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}) ->status_is(200) ->content_like(qr/interioris/i); # Still second transaction $t->content_type_is('text/html');
This statefulness also enables Test::Mojo to handle sessions, follow redirects, and inspect past responses during a redirect.
my $t = Test::Mojo->new;
This object initializes a Mojo::UserAgent object and provides a variety of test assertion methods for accessing a web application. For example, with this object, we could test any running web application:
$t->get_ok('https://www.google.com/') ->status_is(200) ->content_like(qr/search/i);
You can access the user agent directly if you want to make web requests without triggering test assertions:
my $tx = $t->ua->post( 'https://duckduckgo.com/html' => form => {q => 'hypnotoad'}); $tx->result->dom->find('a.result__a')->each(sub { say $_->text });
See Mojo::UserAgent for the complete API and return values.
The Mojo::UserAgent object in Test::Mojo will know where the application is running and make requests to it. Once the tests have completed, the Mojolicious application will be torn down.
# Listens on localhost:32114 (some unused TCP port) my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Frogs');
This object initializes a Mojo::UserAgent object, loads the Mojolicious application "Frogs", binds and listens on a free TCP port (e.g., 32114), and starts the application event loop. When the Test::Mojo object ($t) goes out of scope, the application is stopped.
Relative URLs in the test object method assertions ("get_ok", "post_ok", etc.) will be sent to the Mojolicious application started by Test::Mojo:
# Rewritten to "http://localhost:32114/frogs" $t->get_ok('/frogs');
Test::Mojo has a lot of handy shortcuts built into it to make testing Mojolicious or Mojolicious::Lite applications enjoyable.
An example
Let's spin up a Mojolicious application using "mojo generate app MyApp". The "mojo" utility will create a working application and a "t" directory with a working test file:
$ mojo generate app MyApp [mkdir] /my_app/script [write] /my_app/script/my_app [chmod] /my_app/script/my_app 744 ... [mkdir] /my_app/t [write] /my_app/t/basic.t ...
Let's run the tests (we'll create the "log" directory to quiet the application output):
$ cd my_app $ mkdir log $ prove -lv t t/basic.t .. ok 1 - GET / ok 2 - 200 OK ok 3 - content is similar 1..3 ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=3, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 0.33 cusr 0.07 csys = 0.44 CPU) Result: PASS
The boilerplate test file looks like this:
use Mojo::Base -strict; use Test::More; use Test::Mojo; my $t = Test::Mojo->new('MyApp'); $t->get_ok('/')->status_is(200)->content_like(qr/Mojolicious/i); done_testing();
Here we can see our application class name "MyApp" is passed to the Test::Mojo constructor. Under the hood, Test::Mojo creates a new Mojo::Server instance, loads "MyApp" (which we just created), and runs the application. We write our tests with relative URLs because Test::Mojo takes care of getting the request to the running test application (since its port may change between runs).
Testing with configuration data
We can alter the behavior of our application using environment variables (such as "MOJO_MODE") and through configuration values. One nice feature of Test::Mojo is its ability to pass configuration values directly from its constructor.
Let's modify our application and add a ``feature flag'' to enable a new feature when the "enable_weather" configuration value is set:
# Load configuration from hash returned by "my_app.conf" my $config = $self->plugin('Config'); # Normal route to controller $r->get('/')->to('example#welcome'); # NEW: this route only exists if "enable_weather" is set in the configuration if ($config->{enable_weather}) { $r->get('/weather' => sub { shift->render(text => "It's hot! 🔥") } }
To test this new feature, we don't even need to create a configuration file—we can simply pass the configuration data to the application directly via Test::Mojo's constructor:
my $t = Test::Mojo->new(MyApp => {enable_weather => 1}); $t->get_ok('/')->status_is(200)->content_like(qr/Mojolicious/i); $t->get_ok('/weather')->status_is(200)->content_like(qr/🔥/);
When we run these tests, Test::Mojo will pass this configuration data to the application, which will cause it to create a special "/weather" route that we can access in our tests. Unless "enable_weather" is set in a configuration file, this route will not exist when the application runs. Feature flags like this allow us to do soft rollouts of features, targeting a small audience for a period of time. Once the feature has been proven, we can refactor the conditional and make it a full release.
This example shows how easy it is to start testing a Mojolicious application and how to set specific application configuration directives from a test file.
Testing application helpers
Let's say we register a helper in our application to generate an HTTP Basic Authorization header:
use Mojo::Util 'b64_encode'; app->helper(basic_auth => sub { my ($c, @values) = @_; return {Authorization => 'Basic ' . b64_encode join(':' => @values), ''}; });
How do we test application helpers like this? Test::Mojo has access to the application object, which allows us to invoke helpers from our test file:
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('MyApp'); is_deeply $t->app->basic_auth(bif => "Bif's Passwerdd"), {Authorization => 'Basic YmlmOkJpZidzIFBhc3N3ZXJkZA=='}, 'correct header value';
Any aspect of the application (helpers, plugins, routes, etc.) can be introspected from Test::Mojo through the application object. This enables us to get deep test coverage of Mojolicious-based applications.
WebSocket test assertions are covered in ``Testing WebSocket web services''.
You may also make HTTP requests using custom verbs (beyond "GET", "POST", "PUT", etc.) by building your own transaction object. See ``Custom transactions'' below.
Using HTTP request assertions
To post a URL-encoded form to the "/calls" endpoint of an application, we simply use the "form" content type shortcut:
$t->post_ok('/calls' => form => {to => '+43.55.555.5555'});
Which will create the following HTTP request:
POST /calls HTTP/1.1 Content-Length: 20 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded to=%2B43.55.555.5555
The *_ok HTTP request assertion methods accept the same arguments as their corresponding Mojo::UserAgent methods (except for the callback argument). This allows us to set headers and build query strings for authentic test situations:
$t->get_ok('/internal/personnel' => {Authorization => 'Token secret-password'} => form => {q => 'Professor Plum'});
which generates the following request:
GET /internal/personnel?q=Professor+Plum HTTP/1.1 Content-Length: 0 Authorization: Token secret-password
The "form" content generator (see Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor) will generate a query string for "GET" requests and "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data" for POST requests.
While these *_ok assertions make the HTTP requests we expect, they tell us little about how well the application handled the request. The application we're testing might have returned any content-type, body, or HTTP status code (200, 302, 400, 404, 500, etc.) and we wouldn't know it.
Test::Mojo provides assertions to test almost every aspect of the HTTP response, including the HTTP response status code, the value of the "Content-Type" header, and other arbitrary HTTP header information.
Testing the status code is as simple as adding the "status_is" assertion:
$t->post_ok('/doorbell' => form => {action => 'ring once'}) ->status_is(200);
Along with "status_isnt", this will cover most needs. For more elaborate status code testing, you can access the response internals directly:
$t->post_ok('/doorbell' => form => {action => 'ring once'}); is $t->tx->res->message, 'Moved Permanently', 'try next door';
$t->get_ok('/map-of-the-world.pdf') ->content_type_is('application/pdf');
This is equivalent to the more verbose:
$t->get_ok('/map-of-the-world.pdf') ->header_is('Content-Type' => 'application/pdf');
We can test for multiple headers in a single response using method chains:
$t->get_ok('/map-of-the-world.pdf') ->content_type_is('application/pdf') ->header_isnt('Compression' => 'gzip') ->header_unlike('Server' => qr/IIS/i);
$t->get_ok('/scary-things/spiders.json') ->content_is('{"arachnid":"brown recluse"}');
Although this is a JSON document, "content_is" treats it as if it were a text document. This may be useful for situations where we're looking for a particular string and not concerned with the structure of the document. For example, we can do the same thing with an HTML document:
$t->get_ok('/scary-things/spiders.html') ->content_like(qr{<title>All The Spiders</title>});
But because Test::Mojo has access to everything that Mojo::UserAgent does, we can introspect JSON documents as well as DOM-based documents (HTML, XML) with assertions that allow us to check for the existence of elements as well as inspect the content of text nodes.
JSON response assertions
Test::Mojo's Mojo::UserAgent has access to a JSON parser, which allows us to test to see if a JSON response contains a value at a location in the document using JSON pointer syntax:
$t->get_ok('/animals/friendly.json') ->json_has('/beings/jeremiah/age');
This assertion tells us that the "friendly.json" document contains a value at the "/beings/jeremiah/age" JSON pointer location. We can also inspect the value at JSON pointer locations:
$t->get_ok('/animals/friendly.json') ->json_has('/beings/jeremiah/age') ->json_is('/beings/jeremiah/age' => 42) ->json_like('/beings/jeremiah/species' => qr/bullfrog/i);
JSON pointer syntax makes testing JSON responses simple and readable.
DOM response assertions
We can also inspect HTML and XML responses using the Mojo::DOM parser in the user agent. Here are a few examples from the Test::Mojo documentation:
$t->text_is('div.foo[x=y]' => 'Hello!'); $t->text_is('html head title' => 'Hello!', 'right title');
The Mojo::DOM parser uses the CSS selector syntax described in Mojo::DOM::CSS, allowing us to test for values in HTML and XML documents without resorting to typically verbose and inflexible DOM traversal methods.
GET /1
302 Found Location: /2
GET /2
302 Found Location: /3
and so forth, up to "/5":
GET /5
which returns the data we wanted:
200 OK {"message":"this is five"}
We can tell the user agent in Test::Mojo how to deal with redirects. Each test is making a request to "GET /1", but we vary the number of redirects the user agent should follow with each test:
my $t = Test::Mojo->new; $t->get_ok('/1') ->header_is(location => '/2'); $t->ua->max_redirects(1); $t->get_ok('/1') ->header_is(location => '/3'); $t->ua->max_redirects(2); $t->get_ok('/1') ->header_is(location => '/4'); # Look at the previous hop is $t->tx->previous->res->headers->location, '/3', 'previous redirect'; $t->ua->max_redirects(3); $t->get_ok('/1') ->header_is(location => '/5'); $t->ua->max_redirects(4); $t->get_ok('/1') ->json_is('/message' => 'this is five');
When we set "max_redirects", it stays set for the life of the test object until we change it.
Test::Mojo's handling of HTTP redirects eliminates the need for making many, sometimes an unknown number, of redirections to keep testing precise and easy to follow (ahem).
use Mojo::Base -strict; use Test::More; use Test::Mojo; my $t = Test::Mojo->new('MyApp'); # No authorization cookie $t->get_ok('/') ->status_is(401) ->content_is('Please log in'); # Application sets an authorization cookie $t->post_ok('/login' => form => {password => 'let me in'}) ->status_is(200) ->content_is('You are logged in'); # Sends the cookie from the previous transaction $t->get_ok('/') ->status_is(200) ->content_like(qr/You logged in at \d+/); # Clear the cookies $t->reset_session; # No authorization cookie again $t->get_ok('/') ->status_is(401) ->content_is('Please log in');
We can also inspect cookies in responses for special values through the transaction's response (Mojo::Message::Response) object:
$t->get_ok('/'); like $t->tx->res->cookie('smarty'), qr/smarty=pants/, 'cookie found';
# Use custom "RING" verb my $tx = $t->ua->build_tx(RING => '/doorbell'); # Set a special cookie $tx->req->cookies({name => 'Secret', value => "don't tell anybody"}); # Make the request $t->request_ok($tx) ->status_is(200) ->json_is('/status' => 'ding dong');
use Mojo::Base -strict; use Test::More; use Test::Mojo; # Test echo web service my $t = Test::Mojo->new('EchoService'); $t->websocket_ok('/echo') ->send_ok('Hello Mojo!') ->message_ok ->message_is('echo: Hello Mojo!') ->finish_ok; # Test JSON web service $t->websocket_ok('/echo.json') ->send_ok({json => {test => [1, 2, 3]}}) ->message_ok ->json_message_is('/test' => [1, 2, 3]) ->finish_ok; done_testing();
Because of their inherent asynchronous nature, testing WebSocket communications can be tricky. The Test::Mojo WebSocket assertions serialize messages via event loop primitives. This enables us to treat WebSocket messages as if they were using the same request-response communication pattern we're accustomed to with HTTP.
To illustrate, let's walk through these tests. In the first test, we use the "websocket_ok" assertion to ensure that we can connect to our application's WebSocket route at "/echo" and that it's ``speaking'' WebSocket protocol to us. The next "send_ok" assertion tests the connection again (in case it closed, for example) and attempts to send the message "Hello Mojo!". The next assertion, "message_ok", blocks (using the Mojo::IOLoop singleton in the application) and waits for a response from the server. The response is then compared with 'echo: Hello Mojo!' in the "message_is" assertion, and finally we close and test our connection status again with "finish_ok".
The second test is like the first, but now we're sending and expecting JSON documents at "/echo.json". In the "send_ok" assertion we take advantage of Mojo::UserAgent's JSON content generator (see Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor) to marshal hash and array references into JSON documents, and then send them as a WebSocket message. We wait (block) for a response from the server with "message_ok". Then because we're expecting a JSON document back, we can leverage "json_message_ok" which parses the WebSocket response body and returns an object we can access through Mojo::JSON::Pointer syntax. Then we close (and test) our WebSocket connection.
Testing WebSocket servers does not get any simpler than with Test::Mojo.
package Test::Mojo::Role::Location; use Mojo::Base -role; use Test::More; sub location_is { my ($t, $value, $desc) = @_; $desc ||= "Location: $value"; local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; return $t->success(is($t->tx->res->headers->location, $value, $desc)); } 1;
When we make new test assertions using roles, we want to use method signatures that match other *_is methods in Test::Mojo, so here we accept the test object, the value to compare, and an optional description.
We assign a default description value ($desc), set the Test::Builder "Level" global variable one level higher (which tells Test::Builder how far up the call stack to look when something fails), then we use Test::More's "is" function to compare the location header with the expected header value. We wrap that in the "success" attribute, which records the boolean test result and propagates the Test::Mojo object for method chaining.
With this new package, we're ready to compose a new test object that uses the role:
my $t = Test::Mojo->with_roles('+Location')->new('MyApp'); $t->post_ok('/redirect/mojo' => json => {message => 'Mojo, here I come!'}) ->status_is(302) ->location_is('http://mojolicious.org') ->or(sub { diag 'I miss tempire.' });
In this section we've covered how to add custom test assertions to Test::Mojo with roles and how to use those roles to simplify testing.