use Package::Generator; use Package::Reaper; { my $package = Package::Generator->new_package; my $reaper = Package::Reaper->new($package); ... } # at this point, $package stash has been deleted
my $reaper = Package::Reaper->new($package);
This returns the newly generated package reaper. When the reaper goes out of scope and is garbage collected, it will delete the symbol table entry for the package.
my $package = $reaper->package;
This method returns the package which will be reaped.
if ($reaper->is_armed) { ... }
This method returns true if the reaper is armed and false otherwise. Reapers always start out armed. A disarmed reaper will not actually reap when destroyed.
This method disarms the reaper, so that it will not reap the package when it is destroyed.
This method arms the reaper, so that it will reap its package when it is destroyed. By default, new reapers are armed.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.