use SDL; use SDLx::App; use SDLx::Controller::Interface; #SDLx::App is a controller my $app = SDLx::App->new(width => 200, height => 200 ); my $ball = SDLx::Controller::Interface->new( x=> 10, y => 50, v_x => 10, v_y=> 20 ); #Set the initial state of the ball's physics, this is optional $ball->set_acceleration( sub { my ($time, $current_state) = @_; return( 0, -10, 0 ); # Return accelerations (x,y,rotation) } ); my $ball_render = sub { my $state = shift; $app->draw_rect( undef, 0 ); $app->draw_rect( [$state->x, $state->y, 10,10], [255,0,0,255] ); $app->update(); }; $ball->attach( $app, $ball_render, @params ); $app->run(); $ball->detach(); #can be called at anytime (for example when ball 'dies')
$interface->set_acceleration ( sub { my ($time, $current_state) = @_; return ( $accel_x, $accel_y, $torque ); } );
These accelerations are arbitrary and can be set to any frame of reference. Your render callback will handle how to interpret it.
The callback will receive the time and the current state as a "SDLx::Controller::State" element.
$interface->attach( $controller, $render, @params );
Where $render is a callback that receives the interpolated "SDLx::Controller::State".
my $render = sub { my ($state, @params) = @_; # draw the current $state. };
The @params are any extra parameters you would like to pass to the $render callback.
my $current_state = $interface->current();
Returns the current state of the interface as a "SDLx::Controller::State".
my $previous_state = $interface->previous();
Returns the previous state of the interface as a "SDLx::Controller::State".
If $interface has been "attach()"'ed to any controller it will be detached now.