If you are looking for more information on how to use TAP::Harness, you probably want <http://testanything.org/testing-with-tap/perl/tap::parser-cookbook.html> instead.
For ease of reference, at the time of writing the SVN repository was at:
To get the latest version of trunk:
git clone git://github.com/Perl-Toolchain-Gang/Test-Harness.git
For best results, read the rest of this file, check RT for bugs which scratch your itch, join the mailing list, etc.
In ".vimrc", you can add the following lines:
nnoremap <Leader>pt :%!perltidy -q<cr> " only work in 'normal' mode vnoremap <Leader>pt :!perltidy -q<cr> " only work in 'visual' mode
In other words, if your "Leader" is a backslash, you can type "\pt" to reformat the file using the ".perltidyrc". If you are in visual mode (selecting lines with shift-v), then only the code you have currently have selected will be reformatted.
For emacs, you can use this snippet from Sam Tregar (<http://use.perl.org/~samtregar/journal/30185>):
(defun perltidy-region () "Run perltidy on the current region." (interactive) (save-excursion (shell-command-on-region (point) (mark) "perltidy -q" nil t) (cperl-mode))) (defun perltidy-all () "Run perltidy on the current region." (interactive) (let ((p (point))) (save-excursion (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) "perltidy -q" nil t) ) (goto-char p) (cperl-mode))) (global-set-key "\M-t" `perltidy-region) (global-set-key "\M-T" `perltidy-all)
require Carp; Carp::croak("Unsupported syntax version: $version"); require Carp; Carp::confess("Unsupported syntax version: $version");
1. Document the deprecation 2. Carp a suitable message 3. Release 4. Change the code 5. Release
These sections should begin with a short description of what the method does, followed by one or more examples of usage. If needed, elaborate on the subtleties of the parameters and context after (and/or between) the example(s).
=head2 this_method This method does some blah blah blah. my @answer = $thing->this_method(@arguments); =head2 that_thing Returns true if the thing is true. if($thing->that_thing) { ... }
=head2 some_method ... =for note This is either falsely documented or a bug -- see ...
=begin developer Long-winded explanation of why some code is the way it is or various other subtleties which might incite head-scratching and WTF'ing. =end developer
=for deprecated removed in 0.09, kill by ~0.25
Development is done either on trunk or a branch, as appropriate:
If it's something that might be controversial, break the build or take a long time (more than a couple of weeks) to complete then it'd probably be appropriate to branch. Otherwise it can go in trunk.
If in doubt discuss it on the mailing list before you commit.