Header entries
Provider entries
Comments starting with a hash-sign '#' and empty lines are ignored. The first letter (tag) followed by a colon separates the entries. Additional white space may be used after the tags to group content more readably.
U:currencyfmt currency
X:num_wildcard = provider[zZone] [,...]
P:[daterange] providernumber providername
VBN-Number for provider
C:COMMENT: comment
COMMENT may be an arbitrary string, but the following entries are used already:
C:Name: | Providername |
C:Maintainer: | Who did the hard work |
C:TarifChanged: | and when |
C:Address: | Provideraddress |
C:Homepage: | http:URL for provider |
C:TarifURL: | URL for tarif info |
C:EMail: | EMail-Address |
C:Telefon: | Telefon number |
C:Telefax: | Fax number |
C:Hotline: | Telefon number |
C:Zone: | Textual info about zones |
C:Special: | Guess |
C:GT: | Additional charge text |
C:GF: | Additional charge formula |
If there are multiple comments with the same comment name, they get appended separated by a newline char.
Name of zone file (inserted for %s in ZONEFILE = /usr/lib/isdn/zone-CC-%s.dat from isdn.conf)
Note: if the provider has no different domestic zones, you should not define a D:tag.
A zone is a region of areas, for which the same rates apply. Domestic and foreign zones should not be mixed and all foreign zones should follow domestic zones.
R:prov, sub ; zonelist
Read zones from provider
subprovider number
is defined below.
If the referenced provider doesn't have a subprovider number, the
must be -1. The referenced provider
may be defined before or after the R:-tag. The referenced zones must be real
Z:-entries, not references themself. The zone numbers and names are taken from
the referenced provider. The last
may be missing then all zones from the start zone are used.
R:1,1 ; 1-4,6, 10-
There some limitations:
The reference cannot be more exact than the referenced providerzones.
R:42,0;1 will not work as desired if P:42,0 defines Z:1-4.
It is not possible to reference a providerzone without areas when the
default domestic zone (with your countrycode as area) is not included
in the same range of referenced zones. This applies mainly to zones for
different distances in the national fixed network, e.g. Z:1-3 in Germany.
r:prov, sub ; start_zone-
This tag is related to the R:-tag. It is interpreted by the rate-preprocessor pp_rate. All providerzones with a zone number greater or equal start_zone are copied from provider prov[,sub] and replace the r:-tag. If an area is already used in a previous providerzone of the current provider, it will not be copied. If all areas of a providerzone are already defined, the entire zone will not be copied. Lines that contain only comments are also not copied, but comments at the end of other lines are.
This tag is designed for providers with a rate variant that offers different fees for some foreign destinations.
Z:zonelist zonename
where zonelist is zone[-to_zone][,...]
area may be a telephone number (including +countrycode for numbers which may be reached from everywhere, a telephone number without +countrycode for numbers only reachable in the own country) or an area name or alias as defined in country.dat. Country names have to be translated to their code by the rate-preprocessor pp_rate.
Note: There should always be exactly one zone with your countrycode or countryname respectively:
Countrynames like Belgium in the above example are replaced by their ISO-Code (or TLD) with the rate preprocessor pp_rate.
T:[daterange]daylist/timelist[!]=chargelist chargename
where daterange is [[fromDate][-toDate]] like the corresonding provider entry. Note that the daterange is enclosed in sqare brackets, either fromDate or -toDate are optional.
daylist is day[-day][,...] and day is a daynumber (1=Mon, 2=Tue, ...) or W (workday, Monday to Friday), E (weekend), H (holiday) or * (everyday). If more than one of these days match a given date, the following order of priority (highest first) applies: H 7 .. 1 E W *.
timelist is hour[-hour][,hour] where hour is a number 0..23 or * for everytime.
After daylist/timelist follows = or != which means, provider doesn't adjust rates on a rate boundary e.g. at 18h00.
A chargelist consists of
where MinCharge| is an (optional) minimum charge, Charge the rate per Duration seconds or optional rate per (Divider) seconds, Duration is the length of one charge unit in seconds. After Delay the next duration is taken. If delay is not given it equals to the duration. The last duration may not have a delay and may not be zero.
The next two t:-tags are interpreted by pp_rate and replaced by one or more T:-lines. Both methods can be used together.
t:[daterange]?[H]=chargelist chargename
This line is replaced by according T:-lines for not yet defined day/hour pairs.
If a daterange is given, only previous T:-lines without a daterange or with the same daterange will be considered as earlier definitions. If H is noted, definitions will also be added for holidays.
t:daterange=srcrange [chargename]
Generates T:-lines for daterange by copying previous T:-lines with srcrange in the same zone. If a chargename is given, it will replace the chargename of the originating line. srcrange can be shortened as long as it remains definite.