opencity [-fs | --full-screen] [-glv | --gl-version] [-dd | --data-dir newDataPath] [-cd | --conf-dir newConfigPath] [-na | --no-audio] [--generator-height-map heightMapPicture | (--generator-seed seed [--generator-map MAP-TYPE] [--generator-water WATER-TYPE] [--generator-map-shape MAP-SHAPE-TYPE] [--generator-tree-density TREE-DENSITY-TYPE])]
This manual page documents opencity command.
n: "Blank" tool
r: Zone Residential tool
c: Zone Commercial tool
i: Zone Industrial tool
p: Lay Paths tool
l: Lay electric Lines tool
x: Destroy tool
q: Query tool
e: Build a coal power plant
ctrl: cancel the zoning tool action
u / d: raise / lower cells tool
up / down / left / right: move the map
pageup / pagedown: rotate the map
insert / delete: zoom in/out
alt: multiply the effects of the buttons above by 10
h: as Home
escape: toggle the main menu
b: Toggle building display on/off
g: Toggle grid display on/off
k: Toggle the main status bar display on/off
f: Toggle wire frame mode display on/off
o: Toggle perspective/orthogonal projection
t: Toggle terrain display on/off
w: Toggle water display on/off
Sound & music:
z / b: play previous / next music
m: music on / off
s: sound on / off
F2: Save
F6: Load
This manual page was written by OpenCity team. It is distributed under same license as OpenCity application. See the AUTHORS file for the full list of other contributors.