Section: QMC2 User's Guide (6)
Updated: February 09, 2021
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qmc2-sdlmame - QMC2 - M.A.M.E. Catalog/Launcher II  


qmc2-sdlmame [-config_path path] [-cc] [-tc] [-r] [-h|-?|-help] [qt_arguments]


QMC2 is a graphical front-end based on Qt which drives the great MAME emulator. Besides being a powerful catalog and launcher for systems emulated by MAME it also contains sophisticated ROM management features through its built-in ROMAlyzer.  


-config_path path
Specify this argument to use the directory path instead of the default folder (~/.qmc2) to store QMC2's configuration, logs and cache-files / cache-folders.
This command line option will instruct QMC2 to clear all emulator related caches while starting up in order to forcibly reload this data from the emulator.
Specifying this option on the command line will perform a template check against the current default emulator (if set), printing its output to stdout and exiting before actual start-up occurs.
The reconfigure option will relaunch the setup wizard / welcome dialog before starting. This allows you to update or correct the most important emulator settings in an easy way.
Shows a brief command line usage help.
See http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qapplication.html#QApplication for more information. However, note that QMC2 will overwrite most of the available Qt arguments with its saved settings in ~/.qmc2/qmc2.ini.


System-wide default configuration (optional)
Individual user's configuration (system-wide settings will be copied initially, if any)
Front-end log from the last run of QMC2
Emulator-log containing the output from emulator instances launched by QMC2 (cleared whenever the 'first' emulator instance is launched)
ROM state cache
Machine list cache
Filtered version of the machine list cache used by qmc2-arcade(6) (optional)
XML cache database (SQLite 3)
User data database (SQLite 3) containing rank information and personal comments per machine as well as paths to system- and software-manuals per machine/software
SQLite3 database version of the machine list cache (used by custom views)
Software-list XML cache database (SQLite 3)
Icon cache database (SQLite 3)
DAT-info database (SQLite 3), a combined data store for all supported DAT-info sources (emu-info, machine-info and software-info)
List of favorite machines
List of machines last played (play history)
Slot-info cache
Software-state cache
~/.qmc2/youtube/qmc2-sdlmame.yti, ~/.qmc2/youtube/*.png
YouTube video info/image cache
Folder used by the built-in web-browser to create small database files for 'HTML5 localStorage' support
Permanent web-page cookie database (SQLite 3)
ROMAlyzer's system-mode check-sum database for storing/retrieving paths to dumps available in your file-system by SHA-1 and/or CRC-32 (SQLite 3)
ROMAlyzer's software-mode check-sum database for storing/retrieving paths to dumps available in your file-system by SHA-1 and/or CRC-32 (SQLite 3)
Web-page icon database (SQLite 3)


qmc2-arcade(6), qchdman(6)  


See the TODO file in the included QMC2 documentation for known bugs and restrictions.

New bugs can be reported here: http://tracker.batcom-it.net/view_all_bug_page.php?project_id=1  


The QMC2 development-team (http://qmc2.batcom-it.net/)

