Flaggorna som gäller för kommandot faillog är:
-a, --all
The range of users can be restricted with the -u option.
In display mode, this is still restricted to existing users but forces the display of the faillog entries even if they are empty.
With the -l, -m, -r, -t options, the users' records are changed, even if the user does not exist on the system. This is useful to reset records of users that have been deleted or to set a policy in advance for a range of users.
-h, --help
-l, --lock-secs SEC
Write access to /var/log/faillog is required for this option.
-m, --maximum MAX
Selecting a MAX value of 0 has the effect of not placing a limit on the number of failed logins.
The maximum failure count should always be 0 for root to prevent a denial of services attack against the system.
Write access to /var/log/faillog is required for this option.
-r, --reset
Write access to /var/log/faillog is required for this option.
-R, --root CHROOT_DIR
-t, --time DAGAR
-u, --user LOGIN|RANGE
The users can be specified by a login name, a numerical user ID, or a RANGE of users. This RANGE of users can be specified with a min and max values (UID_MIN-UID_MAX), a max value (-UID_MAX), or a min value (UID_MIN-).
When none of the -l, -m, or -r options are used, faillog displays the faillog record of the specified user(s).
faillog only prints out users with no successful login since the last failure. To print out a user who has had a successful login since their last failure, you must explicitly request the user with the -u flag, or print out all users with the -a flag.