startfluxbox is a script which runs the file ~/.fluxbox/startup If it doesn't exist it will be generated.
startfluxbox should be started from your ~/.xinitrc if you use startx, or ~/.xsession if you run a display manager, like xdm.
The default ~/.fluxbox/startup is as follows:
#!/bin/sh # # fluxbox startup-script: # # Lines starting with a '#' are ignored. # Change your keymap: xmodmap "$HOME/.Xmodmap" # Applications you want to run with fluxbox. # MAKE SURE THAT APPS THAT KEEP RUNNING HAVE AN ''&'' AT THE END. # # unclutter -idle 2 & # wmnd & # wmsmixer -w & # idesk & # And last but not least we start fluxbox. # Because it is the last app you have to run it with ''exec'' before it. exec fluxbox # or if you want to keep a log: # exec fluxbox -log "$fluxdir/log"
If you need to start applications after fluxbox, you can change the exec fluxbox line above to something like this:
exec fluxbox & fbpid=$! sleep 1 { xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr -fg white -bg black & ipager & gkrellm2 & } & wait $fbpid
So xsetroot, ipager, and gkrellm2 will all be started after fluxbox, after giving fluxbox 1 second to startup.
For more details on what else you can do in this script, see sh(1), or the documentation for your shell.
The author of startfluxbox(1) is Han Boetes <han at>
This manpage was converted to asciidoc format by Jim Ramsay < at> for fluxbox-1.1.2
Jim Ramsay <>